2011 Ph.D., Sociology, York University, Canada.
2001 MA, Interdisciplinary Studies, York University, Canada.
1997 BA, Social Anthropology, National School of History and Anthropology, Generation 1990-1994, Mexico City, with Honours.
Sede: D.F.
E-mail: doloresf@yorku.ca
Reconocimientos académicos
CONACYT Post Doctoral Fellowship Award, National Council of Science and Technology, Mexico (2013-2014)
Nominated for the John O’Neill Award for Teaching Excellence, Sociology, York University (2007-08)
IDRC Doctoral Research Award with the Dissertation Proposal “Comparative Analysis of Indigenous Women’s Participation in Local Politics and Community Development: The Experiences of Women Leaders of ECUARUNARI (Ecuador) and YATAMA (Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua)”, Winter 2005.
Ph.D. Scholarship. Tromsø (Norway)-URACCAN Development Project (2001-2006)
MA Scholarship. York-URACCAN Linkage Project (1997-2002) Current Appointments Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Centre of Research and Advanced Studies of Social Anthropology, CIESAS (Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social). Mexico City. September 2013/September 2014. Course Director. “Culture, Power and Identity”. Doctoral Program in Social Anthropology. CIESAS, Mexico. Winter 2014. Employment History Independent Consultant for UN Women and IIWF/FIMI. Project: “Political Participation of Indigenous Women in Democratic Politics: Women’s Leadership and Governing from a Pluralist Perspective”. Fall 2013.
Publicaciones acadámicas (Publicaciones y capítulos de libros)
Figueroa Romero, Dolores. 2014. “Indigenous and Afro-descendent Women Mujeres Against Violence: the Building of Inter-ethnic Alliances in the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua”. In the Bulletin of Latin American Research (BLAR). 33 (3).
Figueroa Romero, Dolores. 2012. “Miskitu Women and their Social Contribution to the Regional Politics of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua” In AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples 8 (4): 447-465.
González, Miguel and Dolores Figueroa. 2011. “Multicultural Nicaragua: Regional Autonomy on the Caribbean Coast.” In David Close, Salvador Marti, and Shelley McConnel, The Sandinistas and Nicaragua Since 1979. Lynne Rienner Publishers. 161-184.
Figueroa Romero, Dolores. 2010. “La participación de mujeres Kichwas y Miskitas en experiencias de gobiernos alternativos y autonómicos: algunas reflexiones sobre representación política, género y etnicidad” In Araceli Burguete, Santiago Ortiz, and Pablo Ortiz, Autonomía a Debate: Políticas de Reconocimiento Indígena y el Estado Plurinacional en América Latina. Quito: Facultad Latinomericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). 391-428.
Publicaciones en progreso
Figueroa Romero, Dolores and Araceli Burguete Cal y Mayor “Indigenizacion de Metodos de Investigacion Social: La experiencia del Diplomado de Liderazgo de la Mujer Indigena” Desacatos. Process of writing. https://ciesas.edu.mx/desacatos/ini.html.
Figueroa Romero, Dolores and Maria Eugenia Choque “Complementaridad, Autonomía y Enfoque de Género: ¿Perspectivas y Proyectos Contrapuestos?” Desacatos. Working on revisions. https://ciesas.edu.mx/desacatos/ini.html.