Egresada de: Universidad Estatal de Campinas
Línea de investigación: Cultura e identidades contemporáneas
Intereses de investigación: Sustancias psicoactivas, políticas de drogas, chamanismo, rituales y religión.
Twitter: @LabateBia.
Beatriz Caiuby Labate posee un Ph.D. en Antropología Social de la Universidad Estatal de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brasil. Sus principales áreas de interés incluyen el estudio de sustancias psicoactivas, políticas de drogas, chamanismo, rituales y religión. Es profesora visitante del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS), en Guadalajara, y Profesora Asociada en el Programa de Política de Drogas en el Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), en Aguascalientes, México. Es, a la vez, co-fundadora del Núcleo de Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Psicoactivos (NEIP), y editora de su sitio ( Es autora, co-autora, y co-editora de doce libros, un journal de edición especial y distintos artículos con sistema de dictaminación autónoma. Pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Mexicano (SIN), nivel I. Para más información, entre a:
2011, Ph.D. in Social Anthropology. Título de la tesis:“Ayahuasca Mamancuna merci beaucoup: internacionalização e diversificação do vegetalismo ayahuasqueiro peruano” (Ayahuasca Mamancuna merci beaucoup: Diversification and internationalization of Peruvian ayahuasca vegetalismo).
2000, M.A. in Social Anthropology.Título de la tesis: A Reinvenção do Uso da Ayahuasca nos Centros Urbanos (The Reinvention of Ayahuasca Use in Urban Centers), publicado en Campinas por Mercado de Letras, 2004.
1996, B.A. in Social Science and Anthropology.
- a) Libros
Labate, B. C. & Cavnar, C. (eds) (2014). Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond. Nueva York: Oxford University Press.
Labate, B.C., & Cavnar, C. (eds) (2014). Prohibition, Religious Freedom, and Human Rights: Regulating Traditional Drug Use. Berlín/Heidelberg: Springer.
Labate, B.C., & Cavnar, C. (eds) (2014). The Therapeutic Use of Ayahuasca. Berlín/Heidelberg: Springer.
Labate, B. C. & Bouso, J. C. (eds) (2013). Ayahuasca y Salud. Barcelona: Los Libros de La Liebre de Marzo.
Labate, B. C. & Jungaberle, H. (eds) (2011). The Internationalization of Ayahuasca. Zurich: Lit Verlag.
Labate, B. C. & Pacheco, G. (2010). Opening the Portals of Heaven: Brazilian Ayahuasca Music. Múnich: Lit Verlag [traducción del original en portugués: Música Brasileira de Ayahuasca. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2009.]
Labate, B. C. & MacRae, E. (eds) (2010). Ayahuasca, Ritual and Religion in Brazil. Londres: Equinox.
Labate, B. C.; Rose, I. S.; Santos, R. G. (2009). Ayahuasca Religions: A Comprehensive Bibliography and Critical Essays. Santa Cruz: CA, MAPS [traducción del original en portugués: Religiões Ayahuasqueiras: Um Balanço Bibliográfico. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2008].
Labate, B. C. et al (eds) (2008). Drogas e Cultura: Novas Perspectivas. Salvador: Edufba.
Labate, B. C. & MacRae, E. (eds) (2006). The Light from the Forest: The Ritual Use of Ayahuasca in Brazil. Special issue, Fieldwork in Religion, 2(3).
Labate, B. C. & Goulart, S. L. (eds.) (2005). O Uso Ritual das Plantas de Poder. Campinas: Mercado de Letras.
Labate, B. C. (2009). A Reinvenção do Uso da Ayahuasca nos Centros Urbanos. Campinas: Mercado de Letras.
Labate, B. C. & Araújo, W. S. (eds.) (2004). O Uso Ritual da Ayahuasca. Campinas: Brazil, Mercado de Letras [2nd ed.; 1st ed. 2002].
- b) Artículos como autor único
2014 Labate, Beatriz C. The Internationalization of Peruvian Vegetalismo. In: Labate, Beatriz C. & Cavnar, Clancy (Eds). Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond. New York, NY, Oxford University Press: 182-205.
2012 Labate, B. C. Kidnapped by Thunderbolts – Spiral Translations in Myth, Anthropology and Theater: An interview with anthropologist Pedro de Niemeyer Cesarino. Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, 9 (1), article 2.
2012 Labate, B. C. Ayahuasca Religions in Acre: Cultural Heritage in the Brazilian Borderlands. Anthropology of Consciousness, 23: 87–102.
2012 Labate, B. C. Paradoxes of Ayahuasca Expansion: The UDV-DEA Agreement and the Limits of Freedom of Religion. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, 19 (1), pp. 19-26.
2011 Labate, B. C. Comments on Brazil’s 2010 Resolution Regulating Ayahuasca Use. Curare – Zeitschrift für Ethnomedizin und transkulturelle Psychiatrie 34, (4), 298-304.
2011 Labate, B. C. Consumption of Ayahuasca by Children and Pregnant Women: Medical Controversies and Religious Perspectives. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 43 (1): 27-35.
2010 Labate, B. C. Conference Review: Notes on the “International Congress of Traditional Medicine, Interculturality, and Mental Health,” Takiwasi Center, Tarapoto, Peru, June 7–10, 2009. Anthropology of Consciousness, 2 (1): 30- 46.
2009 Labate, B. C. “As Encruzilhadas da imprensa: uma análise da reportagem de capa da Isto É sobre a ayahuasca” (“The crossroads of the press: Analysis of the cover story of Isto É magazine about ayahuasca”), in: R@U – Revista de Antropologia Social dos Alunos do PPGAS-USFCAR, 1 (2): 105-115.
2006 Labate, B. C. “Brazilian literature on ayahuasca religions,” Fieldwork in Religion, 2 (3): 200-234.
2005 Labate, B. C. “Dimensões legais, éticas e políticas da expansão do consumo da ayahuasca” (“Legal, ethical and political dimensions on the expansion of ayahuasca consumption”), in: Labate, B. C. & Goulart, Sandra L. (eds.). O Uso Ritual das Plantas de Poder. Campinas: Brazil Mercado de Letras, 397-457.
2004 Labate, B. C. “A literatura brasileira sobre as religiões ayahuasqueiras” (“Brazilian literatures on ayahuasca religions”), in: Labate, B. C. & Araújo, Wladimyr S. (eds.). O Uso Ritual da Ayahuasca. Campinas: Brazil, Mercado de Letras [2nd ed.], 231-273.
2000 Labate, B. C. “A Experiência do viajante-turista na contemporaneidade” (“The experience of the traveler-tourist in contemporaneity”), in: Serrano, C., Bruhns, H. T. & Luchiari, M. T. D. P (eds.). Olhares Contemporâneos sobre o Turismo. Campinas: Brazil, Papirus, Coleção Turismo, 55-80.
- b) Artículos en co-autoría
2014 Labate, Beatriz C. & Coutinho, Tiago. “My Grandfather Served Ayahuasca to Mestre Irineu”: Reflections on the Entrance of Indigenous Peoples into the Urban Circuit of Ayahuasca Consumption in Brazil. Curare – Journal of Medical Anthropology 37 (3): 25-39.
2014 Assis, Glauber & Labate, Beatriz C. Dos igarapés da Amazônia para o outro lado do Atlântico: A expansão e internacionalização do Santo Daime no contexto religioso global (From the creeks of the Amazon to the other side of the Atlantic: The Expansion and Internationalization of Santo Daime in the global religious context). Religião e Sociedade [on line] 34 (2): 11-35. Available in 85872014000200011&lng=pt&nrm=iso&tlng=en
2014 Labate, Beatriz C. & Lima, Edilene C. Medical Drug or Shamanic Power Plant: The Uses of Kambô in Brazil. Ponto Urbe 15. Available in:
2014 Labate, Beatriz C. & Ruiz Flores, Pamela. Critical Reflections on the National Addiction Surveys (ENAs) in Mexico. Drugs, Education, Prevention and Policy, 21 (6): 427-433.
2014 Tupper, K. & Labate, Beatriz. C. Ayahuasca, Psychedelic Studies and Health Sciences: The Politics of Knowledge and Inquiry into an Amazonian Plant Brew. Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 7 (2): 71-80.
2014 Labate, Beatriz C., Cavnar, Clancy & Freedman, Françoise B. Notes on the Expansion and Reinvention of Ayahuasca Shamanism. In: Labate, Beatriz C. & Cavnar, Clancy (Eds). Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond. New York, NY, Oxford University Press: 3-15.
2014 Labate, Beatriz C. & Cavnar, Clancy. Controversies on the Regulation of Traditional Drug Use. In: Labate, Beatriz, C. & Cavnar, Clancy (eds). Prohibition, Religious Freedom, and Human Rights: Regulating Traditional Drug Use. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer: ix- xvii.
2014 Feeney, Kevin & Labate, Beatriz C. The Expansion of Brazilian Ayahuasca Religions: Law, Culture and Locality. In: Labate, Beatriz, C. & Cavnar, Clancy (eds). Prohibition, Religious Freedom, and Human Rights: Regulating Traditional Drug Use. Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer: 111-130.
2014 Labate, B.C., dos Santos, R.G., Strassman, R., Anderson, B.T., Mizumoto, S. Effect of Santo Daime Membership on Substance Dependence Santo Daime Membership on Substance Dependence. In: Labate, Beatriz, C. & Cavnar, Clancy (eds). The Therapeutic Use of Ayahuasca. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 153- 159.
2013 Labate, B. C. e Melo, Rosa V. The UDV Religion, Science and Academic Research. Anthropology of Consciousness 24 (2): 214–227.
2013 Feeney, K., & Labate, B. C. Religious freedom and the expansion of ayahuasca ceremonies in Europe. In: Adams C., D. Luke, A. Waldstein, B. Sessa, D. King (eds.) Breaking Convention: Essays on Psychedelic Consciousness. London, Strange Attractor Press: 117-128.
2013 Labate, B. C. & Bouso, J. C. “Cura, cura cuerpecito: reflexiones sobre las posibilidades terapéuticas de la ayahuasca” (“Heal heal little body: reflections on the therapeutic possibilities of ayahuasca”), in: Labate, B. C. & Bouso, José C. (eds.). Ayahuasca y salud. Barcelona: Spain: Los Libros de La Liebre de Marzo, 28-45.
2012 Tupper; K. & Labate, B.C. Plants, Psychoactive Substances and the INCB: The Control of Nature and the Nature of Control. Human Rights and Drugs 2 (1): 17-28.
2012 Anderson, B. T., Labate, B. C., Meyer, M., Tupper, K. W., Barbosa, P. C. R., Grob, C. S., Dawson, A, McKenna, D. Statement on ayahuasca. International Journal of Drug Policy, 23 (3): 173-175.
2012 Labate, B. C. & Feeney, K. Ayahuasca and the Process of Regulation in Brazil and Internationally: Implications and Challenges, in: International Journal of Drug Policy 23 (2): 154-161.
2011 Labate, B. C. & Pacheco, G. “The historical origins of Santo Daime: Academics, adepts, and ideology,” in: Labate, B. C. & Jungaberle, Henrik (eds). The Internationalization of Ayahuasca. Zurich: Switzerland, Lit Verlag, 71-84.
2011 Labate, B. C.; Camurça, D. M.; Brissac, S.; Ott, J. “Hoasqueira Ethonomedicine: The Traditional Use of “Nove Vegetais” (“Nine Herbs”) by the União do Vegetal,” in: Labate, B. C. & Jungaberle, Henrik (eds). The Internationalization of Ayahuasca. Zurich: Switzerland, Lit Verlag, 49-69.
2011 Labate, B. C., & Cavnar, C. “The Expansion of the Field of Research on Ayahuasca: Some Reflections about the Ayahuasca Track at the 2010 MAPS ‘Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century’ conference,” in International Journal of Drug Policy, 22 (2): 174-178.
2010 Lima, E. C. & Labate, B. C. “L”expansion urbaine du kampo (Phyllomedusa bicolor) au Brésil” (“Urban Expansion of Kampo (Phyllomedusa bicolor) in Brazil”), in Baud, Sébastien & Ghasarian, Christian (eds). Des plantes psychotropes: Initiations, thérapies et quêtes de soi. Paris, Imago, 137-172.
2010 Labate, B. C., Santos, R. G., Anderson, B., Mercante, M. & Barbosa, P.C.R. “The Treatment and Handling of Substance Dependence with Ayahuasca: Reflections on Current and Future Research,” in Labate, B. C. & MacRae, Edward (eds). Ayahuasca, Ritual and Religion in Brazil. London : UK, Equinox, 205-227.
2010 Labate, B. C.; MacRae, E. Goulart, S. “Brazilian Ayahuasca Religions in Perspective,” in Labate, B. C. & MacRae, Edward. (Eds.) Ayahuasca, Ritual and Religion in Brazil. London: UK, Equinox, 1-20.
2009 Labate, B. C. & Goldstein, I. S. Ayahuasca – From Dangerous Drug to National Heritage: An Interview with Antonio A. Arantes, in International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 28: 53-64.
2007 Lima, E. C. & Labate, B. C. ““Remédio da Ciência” e “Remédio da Alma”: os usos da secreção do kambô (Phyllomedusa bicolor) nas cidades (“Science medicine” and “Soul Medicine”: The uses of Kambo (Phyllomedusa bicolor) Secretions in Urban Areas”), Campos 8(1): 71-90.
2004 Labate, B. C. & Pacheco, G. “Matrizes maranhenses do Santo Daime” (“Maranhão State roots of Santo Daime”), in Labate, B. C. & Araújo, Wladimyr S. (eds.). O Uso Ritual da Ayahuasca. Campinas: Brazil, Mercado de Letras [2nd. ed.], 303-344.
Premios y distinciones
Best Master’s Thesis in Social Science, Brazilian National Science Council (CNPq) and National Association for Graduate Studies in Social Science (ANPOCS), awarded during the XXV ANPOCS Annual Meeting in Caxambu, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, October 2001