Friedrich Katz

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Cátedra Internacional Friedrich Katz

Coordinadora: Dra. María Teresa Fernández Aceves (CIESAS Occidente)  

La Cátedra Internacional Friedrich Katz es una reunión académica anual dedicada a explorar tanto los diversos temas que definieron la obra histórica de Friedrich Katz como las experiencias internacionales que marcaron su vida a lo largo del siglo 20: la Revolución mexicana, los movimientos campesinos, las relaciones internacionales y el imperialismo, la guerra y las ideologías, los exilios, las migraciones, etc.

La Cátedra es una colaboración entre seis instituciones: la Universidad de Chicago, El Colegio de México, el CIESAS, la Universidad Libre de Berlín, la Universidad de Viena y la Universidad de Columbia. Se celebrará, de modo rotativo.


Título del cursoProfesor/InstituciónFecha del cursoLugar
La Cátedra Katz es una reunión académica anual dedicada a explorar los diversos temas que definieron la obra histórica de Friedrich Katz.La Cátedra inaugural se llevará a cabo en Chicago el viernes 30 de octubre de 2015, auspiciada por el Centro Katz de la Universidad de Chicago.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Viernes 30 de octubre de 2015 Commons Room, Stuart Hall
1025 East 58th St., Chicago, Illinois 1:30 PM - WELCOME/BIENVENIDA
Emilio Kourí (University of Chicago)
John Womack, Jr. (Harvard University)
The Mexican Revolution: What It Did, What It Made Possible, and What It Did Not Do
Patrick Iber (University of Texas)
Humanismo, revolución, y las leyendas negras del siglo XX Casey Lurtz (Harvard University)
viernes 30 de octubre de 2015la Universidad de Chicago
Rethinking the Porfirian Countryside - Export Agriculture and Rural Development in Chiapas
Berthold Molden (Universität Wien)
Historia global avant la lettre. El impacto de Friedrich Katz sobre la historiografía actual de la Primera Guerra Mundial
José Luis Ramos (Valparaiso University)
The Origins of United States-Mexico History and the Persistence of Progressivism
Julia Young (Catholic University)
Catholic Nationalism in the Mexican Diaspora Moderator: Mauricio Tenorio (University of Chicago)
Nuevas miradas sobre la obra de KatzImpartida por: Valentina Garza (CIESAS CDMX)JUEVES 20 DE OCTUBRE 2016COLMEX
Entrelazamiento: vida y obra de Friedrich Katz y su influencia en la historiografía sobre América LatinaEnrique Cemo Calev, Berthold Molden, Ricardo Pérez Montfort, Stefan Rinke, Bernd Hausberger.26 de junio
de 2017
Universidad Libre de Berlín.
Walking Through Walls, Transgressing Frontiers Border Regimes and Phantom Borders in North America and Central Europe since 1848This conference, a joint venture by the University of Chicago and the University of Vienna, takes place in Vienna in October 2018. As the fourth Catedra Katz it will focus on one of the core research interests of late Mexicanist Friedrich Katz.
Extending Katz’s original focus on Mexico’s northern frontier as a transnational space, we will discuss issues of labor migration, economy, and border regimes.
Our debates will tackle topics stretching from current controversies about bordering empires in the northern hemisphere (EU, USA) back to changes to the political maps of North America and Central Europe in the Nineteenth Century.
Eventually, border regimes related to global migration flows will offer theoretical and juridical glimpses of the Twentieth and the Twenty-first Centuries.
Rector’s Office of International Relations Faculty of History and Cultural Studies
Department of History, Latin America Research Group
October 18, 2018, 18:30 | HS 1, main building, staircase 1, court 1 Martina Kaller, University of Vienna,
Welcome address
Berthold Molden, University of Vienna Border Boy. The Frontiers of Friedrich Katz
Kateřina Březinova, Metropolitan University of Praha
Keynote: The Mexican-American Border Wall and its Impact on North American Integration
October 19, 2018, 09:45 to 18:30 | HS 2, main building, staircase 5, court
Laurin Blecha, University of Vienna
Along the post-1822 Mexican-Central American Border Markus Muller, Free University Berlin
"A System of Vigorous Reprisal:" The US Borderland Indian Campaigns as Crucible of Imperial Violence
Andrea Komlosy, University of Vienna
La Cátedra inaugural se llevará a cabo en Chicago el viernes 30 de octubre de 2015, auspiciada por el Centro Katz de la Universidad de Chicago.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Viernes 30 de octubre de 2015 Commons Room, Stuart Hall
1025 East 58th St., Chicago, Illinois 1:30 PM - WELCOME/BIENVENIDA
Emilio Kourí (University of Chicago)
John Womack, Jr. (Harvard University)
The Mexican Revolution: What It Did, What It Made Possible, and What It Did Not Do
Patrick Iber (University of Texas)
Humanismo, revolución, y las leyendas negras del siglo XX Casey Lurtz (Harvard University)
University of Vienna
bordering empires in the northern hemisphere (EU, USA) back to changes to the political maps of North America and Central Europe in the Nineteenth Century.
Eventually, border regimes related to global migration flows will offer theoretical and juridical glimpses of the Twentieth and the Twenty-first Centuries.
Rector’s Office of International Relations Faculty of History and Cultural Studies
Department of History, Latin America Research Group
October 18, 2018, 18:30 | HS 1, main building, staircase 1, court 1 Martina Kaller, University of Vienna,
Welcome address
Berthold Molden, University of Vienna Border Boy. The Frontiers of Friedrich Katz
Kateřina Březinova, Metropolitan University of Praha
Keynote: The Mexican-American Border Wall and its Impact on North American Integration
October 19, 2018, 09:45 to 18:30 | HS 2, main building, staircase 5, court
Laurin Blecha, University of Vienna
Along the post-1822 Mexican-Central American Border Markus Muller, Free University Berlin
"A System of Vigorous Reprisal:" The US Borderland Indian Campaigns as Crucible of Imperial Violence
Andrea Komlosy, University of Vienna
The shifting empire: Austria-Hungary’s Reorganization in the Face of Nationalism: 1848 → 1867 →1918
Alberto Barrera Enderle, CIESAS Unidad Noreste, Mexico
Smuggling at the American Mexican Border in the Twentieth Century Chair: Martina Kaller
Break 13:00 to 14:30
Claudia Kraft, University of Vienna
Along the former Iron Curtain in Central Europe Daniela Ingruber, Donau University Krems
Challenges of Undocumented Immigration and Radical Responses: Walls,Fences, Military Enforcement
Jonathan Ordonez Gaitan, University of Milan
Borders in Central America: Origins, Functions and Future Chair: Berthold Molden
New Ruralities in Mexico: Phenomenology and GenealogiesClaudio Lomnitz, Campbell Family Professor of Anthropology Director, Center for Mexican Studies.20 y 21 de febrero de 2020Columbia University's Center for Mexican Studies,
